Deaths in Farming: The Stark Reality - Antaris Consulting

Deaths in Farming: The Stark Reality

Farming is one of the most hazardous occupations in Ireland

In 2020, so far this year (up to 18th September 2020) there have been 16 fatalities.

Last year there were 19 fatalities in the agricultural sector.

In the period 0f 10 years from 2010 to 2019 a total of 214 people died in agriculture and forestry accidents.

Last year farm deaths accounted for almost 49% of all fatalities at work even though agriculture accounts for about 6% of the working population.

The main causes of deaths in agriculture are:

  • Deaths due to Tractors and Farm Vehicles 2010-2019 (30% of total Fatals)
  • Deaths due to Machinery 2010-2019 (18% of total Fatals)
  • Deaths due to livestock 2010-2019 (18% of all Fatalities)
  • Deaths due to Falls and Collapses 2010-2019 (17% of all fatalities)

A breakdown of the causes of death in agriculture from 2010 to 2019 is outlined below:

Credit: Health and Safety Authority (HSA)

These statistics are available from the HAS website at the following link

There can be no denying that farming is one of the most dangerous occupations in Ireland.

Tragically children accounted for around 9.8% of the fatalities in this period and 43% of the people killed were older farmers over 65 years age.

The HSA have published guidelines and codes of practice to try to address this major issue as well as other resources including on-line training courses available on its website at the following link

tractor on land

Farmers are strongly urged to use the risk assessment tool in the farm safety code of practice which is also available on-line. This will help to ensure that the measures needed to prevent farm accidents, and protect farmers from injury and ill health at work are put in place

It is strongly recommended that anyone working in the sector use the guidelines and codes of practice to keep themselves and their families safe and prevent farm accidents.

The Irish Farmers Association (IFA) have done some excellent work on getting the safety message out there

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