Case studies - Antaris Consulting

Case studies

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Case studies - NEW

Sustainability Strategy & Action Plan – Trinzo.

The Context Trinzo is a consulting and training firm based in Galway that provides support to the …

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Case studies - NEW

Sustainability Strategy & Action Plan – Trinzo.

The Context Trinzo is a consulting and training firm based in Galway that provides support to the …

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Back of woman speaking at conference
Case studies - NEW

Facilitation and Reporting Services to the National Stakeholder Forum on the Sustainable Development Goals

The Context Having played an important role in developing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Ireland is …

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Case studies - NEW

Workshop Design, Facilitation and Reporting Services for the National Sustainable Mobility Stakeholder Forum

The Context The Department of Transport (DoT) has responsibility for the National Sustainable Mobility Policy (SMP), which …

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Stakeholder Engagement and Sustainability Workshop Exercise (Blue Circular Technology and GOALs Initiatives)

Summary Antaris Consulting worked with Ireland’s Western Development Commission and Finland’s Karelia University together with other partners …

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Cara Partners – Implementation of OHSAS 18001:2007

The Challange Continuous improvement, legal compliance and superior management of internal matters are at the heart of …

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Archaeological Management Solutions – ISO 9001:2015 Implementation

Antaris Consulting began working with Archaeological Management Solutions in March 2020, with the initial task of implementing …

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Power Property – Review of Safety Statements & Risk Assessments in line with Covid-19

Power Property had health and safety documentation in place but required it to be updated to reflect …

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Energia – Identification & Quantification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Antaris worked with Energia to identify and quantify the organisation’s annual greenhouse gas emissions in line with …

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Boliden Tara Mines – Implementation of IS EN 16001 Energy Management Standard

The Task Boliden Tara Mines Limited, part of the Boliden AB group, operates Europe’s largest zinc mine …

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Case studies - NEW

Munster Regional Communications Centre (MRCC) – Implementation of ISO 9001 Quality Management Standard

The Task The Munster Regional Communications Centre (MRCC) is part of a national network of fire service …

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