DIS ISO 45001 Available for Public Comment - Antaris Consulting

DIS ISO 45001 Available for Public Comment

ISO 45001, which is replacing OHSAS 18001, will be the first internationally agreed Health & Safety management system standard that will be relevant to organisations across the globe.

ISO Standards have been developed to assist organisations in managing their processes and risks in a systematic and consistent way.

The Draft International Standard (DIS) ISO 45001 has finally been published. At the DIS stage the general public will have the opportunity to comment on the standard for the first time. This will be the final opportunity for OSH professionals to comment on the standard. Balloting on the DIS will begin in February.

The anticipated publication date of ISO 45001 is October 2016. ISO 45001 will then replace OHSAS 18001 and place greater emphasis on leadership, worker involvement, context and documented information.

Why not have your say on ISO 45001 DIS by submitting a comment to your National Standards Body? (in Ireland, the national standards body is the National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) and in the UK, it is the British Standards Institution (BSI)).The deadline for comments to be received is April 1st 2016.

ISO 45001 Timeline
ISO 45001 Timeline

For additional information on ISO 45001, please check out these additional blog posts:




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