Decarbonization Standard: ISO/CD 24492.2 - A Key Tool for Energy Management and Decarbonization - Antaris Consulting

Decarbonization Standard: ISO/CD 24492.2 – A Key Tool for Energy Management and Decarbonization

Understanding ISO/CD 24492.2: A Key Tool for Energy Management and Decarbonization

As the global community grapples with the realities of climate change, the push for decarbonization and sustainable energy management has never been more urgent. Organizations around the world are being called upon to reduce their carbon footprints, optimize energy use, and contribute to a more sustainable future. In this context, ISO/CD 24492.2, a new standard under development by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), is set to play a pivotal role.

What is ISO/CD 24492.2 – Energy Management and Decarbonization?

ISO/CD 24492.2 is a draft international standard that focuses on energy management and decarbonization. It aims to provide organizations with a structured framework to assess, manage, and reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and energy consumption. This standard is part of a broader effort to help businesses align their operations with global sustainability goals, such as the Paris Agreement’s target of limiting global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.

The standard is still in the “Committee Draft” (CD) phase, meaning it is under review and refinement by experts before it can become an official ISO standard. However, even in this draft form, it signals the direction and priorities that ISO is setting for energy management and decarbonization.

Why is ISO/CD 24492.2 Important?

  1. Comprehensive Approach to Energy Management: ISO/CD 24492.2 builds on existing energy management standards, such as ISO 50001, but goes further by integrating decarbonization strategies directly into the energy management process. This means that organizations will not only focus on energy efficiency but also on reducing the carbon intensity of their energy use.
  2. Alignment with Global Climate Goals: The standard is designed to help organizations contribute to international climate commitments. By providing a clear methodology for managing and reducing energy-related emissions, ISO/CD 24492.2 helps businesses align with global efforts to mitigate climate change.
  3. Encouraging Innovation: The focus on decarbonization encourages organizations to explore innovative technologies and practices that can reduce their carbon footprints. Whether through the adoption of renewable energy sources, the implementation of energy-efficient technologies, or the optimization of energy use, this standard promotes forward-thinking approaches to energy management.
  4. Risk Management: With increasing regulatory and market pressures to reduce carbon emissions, organizations that proactively manage their energy use and emissions will be better positioned to mitigate risks. ISO/CD 24492.2 provides a framework for identifying and addressing these risks in a structured and systematic way.

Key Components of ISO/CD 24492.2

While the standard is still under development, some key components are expected to include:

  • Energy Performance Indicators (EPIs): These metrics will help organizations monitor and assess their energy performance over time, providing a clear picture of how energy use relates to GHG emissions.
  • Decarbonization Roadmaps: The standard will likely encourage organizations to develop and implement roadmaps for reducing their carbon emissions, setting targets, and tracking progress toward these goals.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Recognizing the importance of transparency and accountability, the standard will likely emphasize the need for organizations to engage with stakeholders—including employees, customers, and regulators—on their energy management and decarbonization efforts.
  • Integration with Existing Management Systems: ISO/CD 24492.2 is expected to be compatible with other ISO management standards, such as ISO 9001 (Quality Management) and ISO 14001 (Environmental Management). This integration will allow organizations to streamline their management processes and achieve multiple objectives simultaneously.

How Can Organizations Prepare for ISO/CD 24492.2?

While ISO/CD 24492.2 is still in the draft phase, organizations can start preparing by:

  1. Assessing Current Energy Management Practices: Organizations should review their current energy management systems and practices to identify areas where they can improve efficiency and reduce emissions.
  2. Setting Clear Objectives: Establishing clear, measurable objectives for energy management and decarbonization will help organizations align their efforts with the anticipated requirements of the standard.
  3. Engaging Stakeholders: Early engagement with stakeholders can help build support for energy management initiatives and ensure that these efforts are aligned with broader organizational goals.
  4. Investing in Training and Capacity Building: Organizations may need to invest in training for their staff to ensure they have the skills and knowledge required to implement the new standard effectively.
  5. Monitoring Regulatory Developments: As global and national regulations on energy management and carbon emissions continue to evolve, staying informed will help organizations remain compliant and competitive.


ISO/CD 24492.2 represents a significant step forward in the global effort to manage energy use and reduce carbon emissions. By providing a structured framework for decarbonization, this standard will help organizations of all sizes contribute to global sustainability goals while improving their own operational efficiency. As the standard moves closer to finalization, businesses should start preparing now to take full advantage of the opportunities it presents.

In a world increasingly focused on sustainability, ISO/CD 24492.2 is not just a compliance requirement; it’s a strategic tool for building a resilient, future-ready organization.

Antaris provides energy and decarbonization services by registered SEAI energy auditors. To find out more, please visit our website:

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ISO/CD 24492.2 – Energy management systems and energy savings –Decarbonization — Requirements with guidance for use

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