I.S. 10101:2020
The NSAI published the 5th Edition National Rules for Electrical Installations, IS 10101:2020 on 6 March 2020. This replaced the 4th Edition, ET 101:2008. Enforcement of compliance will be introduced after a transition period of 28 months, which commenced in April of 2020. This was extended from the initial period of 24 months due to the impact of Covid 19.
The transition period began on 1 April 2020. Electrical installations may be designed to the new standard since then.
From 1 February 2021, all new electrical installations must be designed and certified to the new standard.
After 28 months (from 1 August 2022), all electrical installations must be certified to the new standard.
31 July 2022: This is the last day an installation may be pre-connection certified to the old standard (such installations must have been designed by 31 January 2020)
1 August 2022: Electrical installations must be certified to the new standard.
Existing electrical installations that have been installed in accordance with earlier editions of the National Rules for Electrical Installations may not comply with IS 10101:2020. This does not necessarily mean that they are unsafe for continued use or require upgrading.
It is the responsibility of the Registered Electrical Contractor (REC) undertaking the works to ensure they certify to the correct standard and within the correct timeframe.
Fixed electrical installations undergoing periodic inspection and test may be evaluated with reference to the standard in place at the time of installation.