Integrated Management Systems: Benefits and Constraints
An integrated management system (IMS) refers to the seamless integration of several different standards into a common system that meets the requirements of each of the standards. This allows the organisation to work as a single unit with unified objectives. When integrating several standards into one system the organisation needs to take certain things into […]
ISO Standards & Public Policy: One Boosts the Other
The ISO standards in conjunction with the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) provide a boost to the public policy process as they assist governments and regulators achieve their goals. In doing so, these globally recognised standards provide confidence in technical specifications and safety requirements which help to implement policy commitments. IEC General Secretary & CEO Frans […]
ISO Survey Results 2014 – Europe
Sources ISO Survey 2014
ISO Survey Results 2014
The International Standards Organisation has released the latest annual ISO Survey of Certificates. This post examines the global growth five of the eight ISO management system standards surveyed between 2013 and 2014. A total of 1,609,294 certificates were issued worldwide in 2014, this number was an increase from 2013 when a total of 1,564,448 were […]
Italy Makes Top 3 for Massive Growth in ISO Standards
Source: ISO Survey
Quality Standard ISO 9001:2015 is Nearing Publication
Since it was first published in 1987, ISO 9001 has proved to be the most popular ISO standard, with nearly 1.2 million organisations already certified to this standard worldwide. It has become quite clear why so many organisations have decided to become certified to this standard, as it helps companies demonstrate to their customers that […]
Important Update on ISO 45001!
The first committee draft of the new Health & Safety standard ISO 45001 was published last summer. This new standard helps the organisation to look beyond its immediate Health & Safety issues and to take into account what the wider society expects of them. Additionally, ISO 45001 insists that Occupational Health & Safety aspects are […]
UK Growth in the Uptake of ISO Standards – ISO Survey
This post examines the International Standards Organisation’s (ISO) survey on the global growth of ISO’s seven most popular standards over 2012 and 2013 with a particular focus on the growth in the UK. Figures released from the ISO show an increase of 65,285 in the number of certificates issued globally in 2013, compared with those […]
Irish Growth in the Uptake of ISO Standards – ISO Survey
This post examines the International Standards Organisation’s (ISO) survey, which was released in the last quarter of 2014, on the global growth of ISO’s seven most popular standards between 2012 and 2013 and in particular focusing on growth in Ireland. Figures released from the ISO show an increase of 65,285 in the number of certificates […]
ISO 14001 Continual Improvement Survey 2013
The International Standards Organisation (ISO) committee responsible for ISO/TC 207/SC1 carried out a survey of the environmental management system standard ISO 14001 in 2013. This survey sought to gain information from users in relation to the standards current benefits and what could be improved, as the standard is currently being revised. It received over 5,000 responses and the […]