Powers of HSA Inspectors!
In this blog, I will discuss in some detail the Powers of Health and Safety Authority (HSA) Inspectors as well as some of the Enforcement Actions that inspectors can take. HSA inspectors are given powers under various pieces of legislation including: The Safety Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 (Section 64) The Chemicals Act […]
ISO 45003 – Risk Assessment for Psychological Hazards in the Workplace
What needs to be included in a risk assessment for psychological hazards in the workplace? The guidelines in the new ISO 45003 standard on managing psychological risks may help in identifying these types of hazards. ISO 45003 Occupational health and safety management – Psychological health and safety in the workplace – Guidelines – is currently being developed […]
Implementing ISO 45001:2018
Antaris Consulting is the first organisation to be certified to ISO 45001:2018 in Ireland. It was also one of the first technical consultancies in Ireland to achieve certification to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015. These distinctions support Antaris’ ambition to be the leading management systems consultancy in Ireland and it also demonstrates our ongoing commitment […]
Brexit: Where does this leave UK EHS Legislation?
On the 23rd June 2016, 17,410,742 people in the United Kingdom voted to the leave the European Union. Having been a member since 1975, the UK now needs to invoke Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty to formally begin the negotiations to leave the EU. As the UK is the first member to invoke Article […]
ISO 45001 Will Proceed to Second Draft International Standard
The highly awaited international standard ISO 45001 for occupational health & safety has suffered a slight set back but this delay should be seen as an opportunity to refine and improve upon the draft standard. The first Draft International Standard (DIS) has failed to attain the necessary votes for approval at a recent ballot of […]
ISO 45001 Publication Delayed
The first Draft International Standard (DIS) of ISO 45001 was published in January 2016. The participating National Standards Bodies were balloted on the draft standard between 12th February and the 12th May. 71% of members voted in favour of the DIS, with 28% against and 1% abstaining. In order for the DIS to be passed […]
ISO 45001 Reaches Next Stage in the Process
ISO/PC 283, the Project Committee responsible for the development of the new international Health & Safety management system standard ISO 45001 met for the 4th time in Geneva between the 21st and 25th September 2015. The purpose of this meeting was to agree the version of ISO 45001 that could progress as the Draft International […]
What Compels Organisations to be Compliant with Health & Safety Regulations?
No matter the size of your business you need to manage your health & safety responsibilities efficiently and effectively. Accidents and ill-health cost businesses both time and money. Employing an effective Health & Safety strategy can have an overall positive impact on the success of your business. The Second European Survey of Enterprises on New […]
ISO 45001 Moves in the Right Direction Towards Publication
DID YOU KNOW?! As organisations are responsible for minimising the risk of harm to both its employees and people affected by their activities, they are under unsurmountable pressure to ensure they manage their occupational health and safety risks. ISO 45001 an occupational health and safety management system standard, which enables organisations to manage their occupational […]
Health & Safety in the Himalayas
Challenges in improving health and safety in the developing world In early 2012 one of Antaris’s consultants was contracted through the World Bank for a project in the small Himalayan country of Bhutan. The task was to assist the Ministry of Labour and Human Resources in researching and documenting the National Health and Safety Policy, […]