What Compels Organisations to be Compliant with Health & Safety Regulations? - Antaris Consulting

What Compels Organisations to be Compliant with Health & Safety Regulations?

No matter the size of your business you need to manage your health & safety responsibilities efficiently and effectively. Accidents and ill-health cost businesses both time and money. Employing an effective Health & Safety strategy can have an overall positive impact on the success of your business.

The Second European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER-2) is a survey carried out by EU-OSHA. This survey looks at how occupational health & safety is managed in organisations across Europe.

ESENER-2 was carried out in the summer/autumn months of 2014 and surveyed 49,320 organisations across 36 countries. These included the EU-28 plus six others including Albania, Iceland, Montenegro, Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey, Norway and Switzerland.

The survey identified a number of reasons or drivers that motivate organisations to manage occupational health & safety. Such drivers include:

  1. Fulfilling legal obligations
  2. Meeting expectations from employees or their representatives
  3. Maintaining the organisation’s reputation
  4. Avoiding fines from the labour inspectorate
  5. Maintaining or increasing productivity

The key findings of the ESENER-2 Survey of the organisations in the EU 28 include:

EU OSHA Survey (1)
EU OSHA Survey Stats

Addressing health and safety offers significant opportunities for organisations. Some of the benefits include:

  1. Cutting healthcare costs
  2. Keeping older workers in employment
  3. Stimulating more efficient working methods and technologies
  4. A more successful and sustainable business
  5. Cuts down on absenteeism
  6. Meets the requirements of public and private sector contractors
  7. Reduced costs
  8. Reduced risks
  9. Lower employee turnover
  10. Fewer accidents
  11. Reduced threat of legal action
  12. Increased productivity, because employees are healthier, happier and better motivated

Furthermore, there is a number of economic benefits associated with good occupational health & safety management, such as:

  • Schemes which have been put in place to reward organisations financially for having safe and healthy workplaces:
  • Lower insurance premiums
  • Tax breaks
  • State subsidies and grants

In conclusion, good Health & Safety management = a happy, productive and prosperous organisation.


EU-OSHA Survey

Benefits and Costs of Health & Safety

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