Blogs - Antaris Consulting

Celebrate Sustainably Series: Energy Efficiency at Christmas Time

Christmas is the festival of defiance, we defy the lack of crops and harvest with a feast, defy the bleak, cold weather with the warmth of family and friends, and defy the dark days and nights by covering every available surface of our homes, streets, and businesses with as many lights as possible. However, with […]

ESG Insights Second Edition: Stay Updated with Our Latest News

ESG Insights: Stay Updated with Our Latest News In this month’s newsletter from Antaris Consulting, we delve into key developments in the area of sustainability. European lawmakers have backed the Nature Restoration Law, setting ambitious targets for restoring land and sea areas. Meanwhile, Enterprise Ireland launched a sustainability campaign, spotlighting their diverse support for businesses. […]

An overview of ISO 27001:2022

In today’s digital world, organisations face a growing number of threats to their information assets. From cyber-attacks to data breaches, organisations need to implement effective security measures to protect their data and systems. One of the most widely recognised Standards for information security management is ISO 27001. In this blog post, we will discuss the […]

ESG Regulation’s Impact on Company Finances Webinar

Discover how ESG regulations can impact your company’s finances with the Antaris Consulting team and John Finn, MD at Treasury Solutions.   Don’t miss this enlightening webinar, where the Antaris Consulting Sustainability Services team and John Finn, Managing Director at Treasury Solutions, discuss the financial effects of ESG Regulations on Company Finances next Tuesday, the […]

Enterprise Ireland Sustainability Kickstarter Workshops in partnership with Antaris Consulting

sustainability, CSRD, CSDD

Delegates participating in the Enterprise Ireland Sustainability Kickstarter Workshops, jointly organised by Shaping Business and Antaris Consulting, have the opportunity to access essential resources and tools for the workshop on sustainability and sustainable development. Explore the following valuable resources to enhance your understanding and preparation for the workshop: Sustainability Kickstarter Workshop Guidance Workshop Action Plan […]

Facilitation and Reporting Services to the National Stakeholder Forum on the Sustainable Development Goals

Back of woman speaking at conference

The Context Having played an important role in developing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Ireland is committed to their implementation under Agenda 2030. Each Government Department has a role in implementing the Goals, together with state agencies and Local Authorities, as part of a whole-of-government endeavour. The Department of Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC) […]

New legislation aims to reduce injury claims and insurance costs – here is what it means

There has been some welcome good news for businesses and community groups as new legislation amending occupiers liability has been passed into law as part of the Government Action Plan for Insurance Reform.  The law aims to rebalance the duty of care between occupiers such as businesses, community groups, sports clubs, recreational users, event organisers, […]

Why sustainability performance is key to a business success

Sustainability performance

Strong sustainability performance is fast becoming a business’s licence to operate and also acts as a clever marketing tool.  Businesses who are not prioritising improving their sustainability performance will find it increasingly difficult to operate in the coming years. Consumer advocacy, attracting talent, and remaining competitive through tender processes are just some of the challenges […]

Calling time on timewashing


Got big sustainability goals for the future? Great.  The next big question is what are you doing today, across every area of your business to ensure that you get there? Without a clearly defined answer to this question, you could be guilty of timewashing. Timewashing is the practice of businesses setting ambitious long-term sustainability targets […]

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